
rigid_body_motion.lookup_angular_velocity(frame, reference=None, represent_in=None, outlier_thresh=None, cutoff=None, mode='quaternion', as_dataarray=False, return_timestamps=False)[source]

Estimate angular velocity of a frame wrt a reference.

frame: str or ReferenceFrame

The reference frame whose velocity is estimated.

reference: str or ReferenceFrame, optional

The reference frame wrt which the velocity is estimated. Defaults to the parent frame of the moving frame.

represent_in: str or ReferenceFrame, optional

The reference frame in which the twist is represented. Defaults to the reference frame.

outlier_thresh: float, optional

Suppress samples where the norm of the second-order differences of the rotation is above outlier_thresh and interpolate the missing values.

cutoff: float, optional

Frequency of a low-pass filter applied to angular and angular velocity after the estimation as a fraction of the Nyquist frequency.

mode: str, default “quaternion”

If “quaternion”, compute the angular velocity from the quaternion derivative. If “rotation_vector”, compute the angular velocity from the gradient of the axis-angle representation of the rotations.

as_dataarray: bool, default False

If True, return an xarray.DataArray.

return_timestamps: bool, default False

If True and as_dataarray is False, also return the timestamps of the lookup.

angular: numpy.ndarray or xarray.DataArray

Angular velocity of moving frame wrt reference frame, represented in representation frame.

timestamps: numpy.ndarray

Corresponding timestamps of the lookup if return_timestamps is True.