
rigid_body_motion.transform_quaternions(arr, into, outof=None, dim=None, axis=None, timestamps=None, time_axis=None, return_timestamps=False)[source]

Transform an array of quaternions between reference frames.

arr: array_like

The array to transform.

into: str or ReferenceFrame

ReferenceFrame instance or name of a registered reference frame in which the array will be represented after the transformation.

outof: str or ReferenceFrame, optional

ReferenceFrame instance or name of a registered reference frame which is the current reference frame of the array. Can be omitted if the array is a DataArray whose attrs contain a “reference_frame” entry with the name of a registered frame.

dim: str, optional

If the array is a DataArray, the name of the dimension representing the spatial coordinates of the quaternions.

axis: int, optional

The axis of the array representing the spatial coordinates of the quaternions. Defaults to the last axis of the array.

timestamps: array_like or str, optional

The timestamps of the quaternions, corresponding to the time_axis of the array. If str and the array is a DataArray, the name of the coordinate with the timestamps. The axis defined by time_axis will be re-sampled to the timestamps for which the transformation is defined.

time_axis: int, optional

The axis of the array representing the timestamps of the quaternions. Defaults to the first axis of the array.

return_timestamps: bool, default False

If True, also return the timestamps after the transformation.

arr_transformed: array_like

The transformed array.

ts: array_like

The timestamps after the transformation.