Source code for rigid_body_motion.estimators

import numpy as np
from quaternion import as_float_array, from_rotation_matrix
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree

from rigid_body_motion.core import (
from rigid_body_motion.utils import rotate_vectors

def _reshape_vectors(v1, v2, axis, dim, same_shape=True):
    """ Reshape input vectors to two dimensions. """
    # TODO v2 as DataArray with possibly different dimension order
    v1, axis, _, _, _, _, coords, *_ = _maybe_unpack_dataarray(
        v1, dim, axis, None, False
    v2, *_ = _maybe_unpack_dataarray(v2, None, axis, None)

    if v1.shape[axis] != 3 or v2.shape[axis] != 3:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Shape of v1 and v2 along axis {axis} must be 3, got "
            f"{v1.shape[axis]} for v1 and {v2.shape[axis]} for v2"
    if v1.ndim < 2:
        raise ValueError("v1 must have at least two dimensions")

    # flatten everything except spatial dimension
    v1 = np.swapaxes(v1, axis, -1).reshape(-1, 3)
    v2 = np.swapaxes(v2, axis, -1).reshape(-1, 3)

    if same_shape and v1.shape != v2.shape:
        raise ValueError("v1 and v2 must have the same shape")

    return v1, v2, coords is not None

def _make_transform_dataarrays(translation, rotation):
    """ Make translation and rotation DataArrays. """
    import xarray as xr

    translation = xr.DataArray(
        {"cartesian_axis": ["x", "y", "z"]},
    rotation = xr.DataArray(
        {"quaternion_axis": ["w", "x", "y", "z"]},

    return translation, rotation

[docs]def estimate_linear_velocity( arr, dim=None, axis=None, timestamps=None, time_axis=None, outlier_thresh=None, cutoff=None, ): """ Estimate linear velocity from a time series of translation. Parameters ---------- arr: array_like Array of translations. dim: str, optional If the array is a DataArray, the name of the dimension representing the spatial coordinates of the points. axis: int, optional The axis of the array representing the spatial coordinates of the points. Defaults to the last axis of the array. timestamps: array_like or str, optional The timestamps of the points, corresponding to the `time_axis` of the array. If str and the array is a DataArray, the name of the coordinate with the timestamps. The axis defined by `time_axis` will be re-sampled to the timestamps for which the transformation is defined. time_axis: int, optional The axis of the array representing the timestamps of the points. Defaults to the first axis of the array. cutoff: float, optional Frequency of a low-pass filter applied to the linear velocity after the estimation as a fraction of the Nyquist frequency. outlier_thresh: float, optional Some SLAM-based trackers introduce position corrections when a new camera frame becomes available. This introduces outliers in the linear velocity estimate. The estimation algorithm used here can suppress these outliers by throwing out samples where the norm of the second-order differences of the position is above `outlier_thresh` and interpolating the missing values. For measurements from the Intel RealSense T265 tracker, set this value to 1e-3. Returns ------- linear: array_like Array of linear velocities. """ ( arr, axis, dim, time_axis, time_dim, timestamps, coords, dims, name, attrs, ) = _maybe_unpack_dataarray( arr, dim=dim, axis=axis, time_axis=time_axis, timestamps=timestamps ) linear = _estimate_linear_velocity( arr, timestamps, time_axis=time_axis, outlier_thresh=outlier_thresh, cutoff=cutoff, ) if coords is not None: return _make_dataarray( linear, coords, dims, name, attrs, time_dim, timestamps ) else: return linear
[docs]def estimate_angular_velocity( arr, dim=None, axis=None, timestamps=None, time_axis=None, mode="quaternion", outlier_thresh=None, cutoff=None, ): """ Estimate angular velocity from a time series of rotations. Parameters ---------- arr: array_like Array of rotations, expressed in quaternions. dim: str, optional If the array is a DataArray, the name of the dimension representing the spatial coordinates of the quaternions. axis: int, optional The axis of the array representing the spatial coordinates of the quaternions. Defaults to the last axis of the array. timestamps: array_like or str, optional The timestamps of the quaternions, corresponding to the `time_axis` of the array. If str and the array is a DataArray, the name of the coordinate with the timestamps. The axis defined by `time_axis` will be re-sampled to the timestamps for which the transformation is defined. time_axis: int, optional The axis of the array representing the timestamps of the quaternions. Defaults to the first axis of the array. mode: str, default "quaternion" If "quaternion", compute the angular velocity from the quaternion derivative. If "rotation_vector", compute the angular velocity from the gradient of the axis-angle representation of the rotations. outlier_thresh: float, optional Suppress samples where the norm of the second-order differences of the rotation is above `outlier_thresh` and interpolate the missing values. cutoff: float, optional Frequency of a low-pass filter applied to the angular velocity after the estimation as a fraction of the Nyquist frequency. Returns ------- angular: array_like Array of angular velocities. """ ( arr, axis, dim, time_axis, time_dim, timestamps, coords, dims, name, attrs, ) = _maybe_unpack_dataarray( arr, dim=dim, axis=axis, time_axis=time_axis, timestamps=timestamps ) angular = _estimate_angular_velocity( arr, timestamps, axis=axis, time_axis=time_axis, mode=mode, outlier_thresh=outlier_thresh, cutoff=cutoff, ) if coords is not None: coords, dims = _replace_dim(coords, dims, axis, "cartesian", 3) return _make_dataarray( angular, coords, dims, name, attrs, time_dim, timestamps ) else: return angular
[docs]def shortest_arc_rotation(v1, v2, dim=None, axis=None): """ Estimate the shortest-arc rotation between two arrays of vectors. This method computes the rotation `r` that satisfies: .. math:: v_2 / ||v_2|| = rot(r, v_1) / ||v_1|| Parameters ---------- v1: array_like, shape (..., 3, ...) The first array of vectors. v2: array_like, shape (..., 3, ...) The second array of vectors. dim: str, optional If the first array is a DataArray, the name of the dimension representing the spatial coordinates of the vectors. axis: int, optional The axis of the arrays representing the spatial coordinates of the vectors. Defaults to the last axis of the arrays. Returns ------- rotation: array_like, shape (..., 4, ...) The quaternion representation of the shortest-arc rotation. """ v1, axis, _, _, _, _, coords, dims, name, attrs = _maybe_unpack_dataarray( v1, dim, axis, None ) v1 = np.asarray(v1) v2 = np.asarray(v2) sn1 = np.sum(v1 ** 2, axis=axis, keepdims=True) sn2 = np.sum(v2 ** 2, axis=axis, keepdims=True) d12 = np.sum(v1 * v2, axis=axis, keepdims=True) c12 = np.cross(v1, v2, axis=axis) rotation = np.concatenate((np.sqrt(sn1 * sn2) + d12, c12), axis=axis) rotation /= np.linalg.norm(rotation, axis=axis, keepdims=True) if coords is not None: coords, dims = _replace_dim(coords, dims, axis, "quaternion", 3) return _make_dataarray(rotation, coords, dims, name, attrs, None, None) else: return rotation
[docs]def best_fit_rotation(v1, v2, dim=None, axis=None): """ Least-squares best-fit rotation between two arrays of vectors. Finds the rotation `r` that minimizes: .. math:: || v_2 - rot(r, v_1) || Parameters ---------- v1: array_like, shape (..., 3, ...) The first array of vectors. v2: array_like, shape (..., 3, ...) The second array of vectors. dim: str, optional If the first array is a DataArray, the name of the dimension representing the spatial coordinates of the vectors. axis: int, optional The axis of the arrays representing the spatial coordinates of the vectors. Defaults to the last axis of the arrays. Returns ------- rotation: array_like, shape (4,) Rotation of transform. References ---------- Adapted from See Also -------- iterative_closest_point, best_fit_transform """ v1, v2, was_dataarray = _reshape_vectors(v1, v2, axis, dim) # rotation matrix H =, v2) U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(H) R =, U.T) # rotation as quaternion rotation = as_float_array(from_rotation_matrix(R)) if was_dataarray: import xarray as xr rotation = xr.DataArray( rotation, {"quaternion_axis": ["w", "x", "y", "z"]}, "quaternion_axis", name="rotation", ) return rotation
[docs]def best_fit_transform(v1, v2, dim=None, axis=None): """ Least-squares best-fit transform between two arrays of vectors. Finds the rotation `r` and the translation `t` that minimize: .. math:: || v_2 - (rot(r, v_1) + t) || Parameters ---------- v1: array_like, shape (..., 3, ...) The first array of vectors. v2: array_like, shape (..., 3, ...) The second array of vectors. dim: str, optional If the first array is a DataArray, the name of the dimension representing the spatial coordinates of the vectors. axis: int, optional The axis of the arrays representing the spatial coordinates of the vectors. Defaults to the last axis of the arrays. Returns ------- translation: array_like, shape (3,) Translation of transform. rotation: array_like, shape (4,) Rotation of transform. References ---------- Adapted from See Also -------- iterative_closest_point, best_fit_rotation """ v1, v2, was_dataarray = _reshape_vectors(v1, v2, axis, dim) # translate points to their centroids mean_v1 = np.mean(v1, axis=0) mean_v2 = np.mean(v2, axis=0) v1_centered = v1 - mean_v1 v2_centered = v2 - mean_v2 # rotation matrix H =, v2_centered) U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(H) R =, U.T) # special reflection case if np.linalg.det(R) < 0: Vt[2, :] *= -1 R =, U.T) # rotation as quaternion rotation = as_float_array(from_rotation_matrix(R)) # translation translation = mean_v2.T -, mean_v1.T) if was_dataarray: translation, rotation = _make_transform_dataarrays( translation, rotation ) return translation, rotation
def _nearest_neighbor(v1, v2): """ Find the nearest neighbor in v2 for each point in v1. """ kd_tree = cKDTree(v2) distances, idx = kd_tree.query(v1, 1) return idx.ravel(), distances.ravel()
[docs]def iterative_closest_point( v1, v2, dim=None, axis=None, init_transform=None, max_iterations=20, tolerance=1e-3, ): """ Iterative closest point algorithm matching two arrays of vectors. Finds the rotation `r` and the translation `t` such that: .. math:: v_2 \simeq rot(r, v_1) + t Parameters ---------- v1: array_like, shape (..., 3, ...) The first array of vectors. v2: array_like, shape (..., 3, ...) The second array of vectors. dim: str, optional If the first array is a DataArray, the name of the dimension representing the spatial coordinates of the vectors. axis: int, optional The axis of the arrays representing the spatial coordinates of the vectors. Defaults to the last axis of the arrays. init_transform: tuple, optional Initial guess as (translation, rotation) tuple. max_iterations: int, default 20 Maximum number of iterations. tolerance: float, default 1e-3 Abort if the mean distance error between the transformed arrays does not improve by more than this threshold between iterations. Returns ------- translation: array_like, shape (3,) Translation of transform. rotation: array_like, shape (4,) Rotation of transform. References ---------- Adapted from Notes ----- For points with known correspondences (e.g. timeseries of positions), it is recommended to interpolate the points to a common sampling base and use the `best_fit_transform` method. See Also -------- best_fit_transform, best_fit_rotation """ # noqa v1, v2, was_dataarray = _reshape_vectors( v1, v2, axis, dim, same_shape=False ) v1_new = np.copy(v1) # apply the initial pose estimation if init_transform is not None: t, r = init_transform v1_new = rotate_vectors(np.asarray(r), v1_new) + np.asarray(t) prev_error = 0 for i in range(max_iterations): # find the nearest neighbors between the current source and destination # points idx, distances = _nearest_neighbor(v1_new, v2) # compute the transformation between the current source and nearest # destination points t, r = best_fit_transform(v1_new, v2[idx]) # update the current source v1_new = rotate_vectors(r, v1_new) + t # check error mean_error = np.mean(distances) if np.abs(prev_error - mean_error) < tolerance: break prev_error = mean_error # calculate final transformation translation, rotation = best_fit_transform(v1, v1_new) if was_dataarray: translation, rotation = _make_transform_dataarrays( translation, rotation ) return translation, rotation